Learn How To Live (And Fund) Your Best Life
100% Aligned With Your Calling
The Challenge
Here’s the challenge.
You are passionate about serving God…
…but you are not crystal clear on what, who, where or how? (Clarity – Alignment)
What you are to do may be clear, but not specifically who to do it for or with.
You may feel the tension between serving God and fulfilling your family responsibilities. Maintaining the cash flow to sustain the vision and your family is challenging?
The next step towards your God given passion and dream (such as sailing around the world like us) may not be 100% clear.
You may fear the regret of looking back on your life, wishing you had stepped bravely into your dreams?” (Should have, would have, could have syndrome!)
Know that you are not alone.
Your challenge will be with one or more of the three essential building blocks:
1. Clarity (alignment with purpose)
2. Community (your people – ministry and/or clients)
3. Provision (cash flow for yourself and others)

The Solution
This is where we jump in to help…
It is our joy, to come along side like minded Kingdom Dreamers. We cheer you on in community and share strategies and insights along the way.
But how?
By becoming an Inverted Entrepreneur.
An entrepreneur is someone who pioneers, creates and builds.
Entrepreneurs produce results, employment and profit.
Entrepreneur’s have the passion and drive to be a powerful influence in the world.
If you’re called to be a traditional entrepreneur, then that is what you should do and do it without reservation. You will have the ability to give out of your overflow and to fund other people’s ministries.
Yet, as Christians, we are to live out our own unique purpose. Being an entrepreneur is the means, not the end.
Our primary focus is to seek God our Father. We want to live redeemed by Jesus’ sacrifice, and empowered by the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Our purpose and our calling is God given to impact the world around us. Through Him we produce abundant, good fruit and a Kingdom harvest.
So let’s turn the world’s understanding of an entrepreneur on its head… let’s invert it!
Let’s make our primary focus to seek first God’s Kingdom INSTEAD of seeking first the pursuit of money.
The results may look the same, but the focus is in alignment with our God given calling.
So can we be both a Christian and an Entrepreneur?
Absolutely, YES!
We need to be crystal clear on our God given purpose. There is power in belonging to a community of other like minded Kingdom Dreamers. Provision flows for us and others when our daily pursuits and purpose are in alignment. When this is underpinned by “Seeking first the Kingdom of God”, we have Kingdom power and influence, impacting those around us for God and for good.
We truly live as Inverted Entrepreneurs.
Inverted Entrepreneurs have the provision necessary for their family and their ministry. They have the ability to give out of the overflow. This is the model of the early church in Acts.
…but, what if you’re not called to be an entrepreneur?
What if instead, your God given calling is to be an author, a counsellor, a coach, a mentor, a sailor, a pastor or a missionary?
Doing any of these pursuits requires funding and provision.
As an Inverted Entrepreneur you seek first the Kingdom of God in a Kingdom focused community. This allows you to fund your God given calling in perfect alignment with your passion and dreams.
The alignment of purpose, passion and provision results in peace, joy and fulfilment.
God our Father empowers our pursuits and opens doors that no man can close.
Better Together

This is why Kerry and I created The Inverted Entrepreneur (TIE) mentoring program. The program inverts the traditional concept of an entrepreneur.
Making money (provision) becomes an extension of your calling instead of an end in itself. It’s the other way around – the inverted way!
In TIE, the focus is on your calling, not on making money. The goal is to bring the various aspects of your life in to alignment.
…and you are doing this within a community of fellow Kingdom Dreamers. Kerry and I, as mentors, will facilitate your transformational journey. A transformation towards reduced stress, greater effectiveness and lasting Kingdom impact.
As one of the TIE commnunity members said:
It’s really important to have somebody, a catalyst, to help you rebuild your confidence [after life has worn you down].
The TIE program’s central focus is on attaining a laser focussed clarity in your calling.
Modules 1–3: The Clarity System
Discover what and who are you called to in this season?
Modules 4-6: The Community System
Your community (or your tribe) are the people you serve, whether through ministry or as clients.
ONLY YOU can deliver your unique message to your tribe. We teach you how to build a community of people ready to hear your message.
Modules 7-9: The Provision System
We show you how to generate cash flow for yourself and others in alignment with your calling.
Does any of this resonate with you?
Find out more by registering your interest… If all three resonate with you then act now!
The TIE program could be the Kingdom mentoring community that you have been looking for.

This is a wonderful project and thank you (and God) for creating something so meaningful to me.
You may be wondering how much the TIE program costs.
Well, here’s where we invert things.
The program has transformed lives and we want everyone to be able to benefit.
So, we’re offering a name your own price option. That’s right. You pay what you can afford and what will get you to commit to completing the program.
Why Would You Join The Inverted Entrepreneur Community?
Like so many people, you will have noticed what is going on in the world right now. The unrelenting destruction of civilised (sane) society is obvious. The attacks on free speech are accelerating. War is proliferating at an alarming rate. Free and informed consent to medical interventions is becoming a thing of the past. The emasculation of men is weakening families. Persecution of Christians is becoming common in the West.
In a time such as this, God is calling you for a specific purpose. Your responsibility is to embrace your calling and act. Are you walking in your calling? Are you living your life 100% in alignment with that calling? If not, then know that you can…
We can sit by on the sidelines OR, knowing that the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us, we can wake up, stand up and speak up. Now is the time!
Kerry and I took a step into what God had called us to a few years ago. We didn’t have a plan, the resources or the means but we did dare to dream. What if God could use us to make a difference in the world?
So we took a step, and the next and the next. Now today, we are living our God given dream and helping others to step into theirs as well.
There are many things we can’t influence in our broken world but we can encourage the person next to us. We can go around doing good. We can bring hope to this broken world.
What is that one thing that you can do, today?
Did you know that it is possible to MULTIPLY your IMPACT as YOU make a difference AND live your best life. It requires three things.
- Laser focussed clarity on the calling God has placed on your life.
- Drawing on the strength of a community of like minded Kingdom Dreamers.
- Walking with confidence into the provision God has for you (and others).

There are many good and worthwhile things you could do. If you were to focus on only one thing what would it be? Being single focussed leads to increased effectiveness and greater impact? Let’s work together to figure out what that one thing is.
Clarity! We have lots of experience, lots of ideas, but bringing it all together [is the challenge]. The catalyst of coming under a coach and a coaching program. People who work with you side by side. You realise you’re not the only person going through this and so you can help others through the process as well.
Kerry’s catchphrase for many years has been “Better Together”.
There is strength in unity.
As we support each other the synergy creates more than the sum of the parts.
It also took a couple who were willing to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit and generous enough of nature to invite us onto their boat and share their lives with us.

The “prosperity” gospel and it’s counterpart the “poverty” gospel both idolise money. Kerry and I prefer to consider money in the context of provision.
Jesus taught us to pray…
So, for us, abundant provision is when we have enough for ourselves and others.

So, the time is now! Embrace your God given calling. Bravely step in and run shoulder to shoulder with other Kingdom Dreamers. Make a positive impact today.
As one member of our TIE community says – live with no regrets:
You’ve only got this much time… do it and do it now!